Pants Options

Pants is very configurable and has literally hundreds of tuneable parameters, known in Pants parlance as options.

Most options are automatically set to useful defaults. However it is inevitable that sooner or later you'll need to tweak some of them. For example, you may want to pin your Pants version.

The Pants options system is fairly complex. Codebase administrators will need to understand its details and nuances. End users, however, can usually get by with just a superficial view.

Option Scopes

Pants has many moving parts, and more can be added via custom plugins. To avoid option naming collisions, each configurable component is qualified by a scope.

  • Global options belong to the global scope.
  • Options for task task in goal goal belong to the goal.task scope. E.g., gen.thrift or compile.zinc. However if the task has the same name as the goal, then the scope is just that name. E.g., ./pants list, not ./pants list.list.
  • Options for the global instance of subsystem subsystem belong to the subsystem scope. E.g., jvm or cache.
  • Options for the instance of subsystem subsystem belonging to some other task or subsystem with scope scope belong to the subsystem.scope scope. E.g., cache.compile.zinc.

The scope names are used to qualify the option names when setting their values, as explained in the remainder of this document.

Basic vs. Advanced Options

Some options, such as -l to control the logging verbosity level, are expected to be set directly by users, as needed. But most options are expected to be configured once by a codebase administrator and not directly modified by users. These latter options are called advanced options, and are not enumerated in help messages by default. Advanced options may change the way projects are built and packaged, impact the build cache or change test behavior. For that reason, they should usually be set in config files and checked in to the repo so that build output is consistent, no matter which user invokes it.

To show the full list of options for a goal, including advanced options, use ./pants <goal> --help-advanced. You can view all options for all scopes with ./pants --help-all --help-advanced.

Recursive Options

A handful of global options, such as -l, are recursive. That is, they have a global value which can be overridden in each scope. This allows you, for example, to set different logging verbosity levels in different tasks.

Option Types

Option value literal formats are the same on the command-line, environment variables and in pants.ini, with a couple of extra command-line conveniences.

Boolean Options

The boolean option values are: false, False, true, True.

On the command line, you can omit the value thus: --foo-bar is the same as --foo-bar=false, and --no-foo-bar is the same as --foo-bar=false.

Int and Float Options

Specify values in decimal notation: --foo=5, --bar=4.5.

String Options

Surround strings with single or double quotes if they contain embedded spaces: --foo="hello, world".

List Options

List options can be appended to and filtered, as well as overridden. For example, for an option --foo whose default value is [1, 2], then in pants.ini:

  • foo: 3 will yield [1, 2, 3].
  • foo: +[3, 4] will yield [1, 2, 3, 4].
  • foo: -[1] will yield [2].
  • foo: [3, 4] will yield [3, 4].

Multiple append and filter expressions may be delimited with commas, allowing you to append and filter simultaneously:

  • foo: +[3,4],-[1] will yield [2, 3, 4].

On the command line you can append single values multiple times:

  • --foo=3 --foo=4 will yield the value [1, 2, 3, 4].

Note that these command line values will be appended to the value determined from the defaults plus the values in pants.ini. To override the value, use --foo=[3, 4].

Filters apply to the entire list constructed so far, and will filter all appearances of the value:

  • --foo=1 --foo=1 --foo=2 --foo=-[1] will yield [2, 2].

Filters take precedence over appends, so you cannot "add something back in":

  • --foo=-[2] --foo=2 will yield [1].

Dict Options

Dict option values are Python-style dict literals: --foo={"a":1,"b":2}.

Available Options

The options available in a given Pants-enabled codebase depend on which backends and plugins are activated.

  • View all options available in a "vanilla" Pants install.
  • To see a complete list of all basic options available in a given Pants-enabled codebase, enter ./pants help-all.
  • To see global (or goal-specific) basic options, enter ./pants help (goal).
  • To see global (or goal-specific) basic and advanced options, enter ./pants help-advanced (goal).

Setting Option Values

Every Pants option can be set in one three ways, in descending order of precendence:

  • Using a command-line flag.
  • Using an environment variable.
  • In a config file.

Config files are typically used to set codebase-wide defaults for all users. Individual users can then override various values using environment variables or command-line flags.

Options that aren't set by one of these three methods will fall back to a sensible default, so that Pants will work "out of the box" in common scenarios.

Command Line Flags

Option option in scope can be set using the flag --foo-bar-option=<value>.

Global options are set with no scope qualifier, e.g., --pants-workdir=/path/to/workdir.

Values for single-letter flags (those that start with a single dash) can be set without the equals sign: -ldebug is the same as --level=debug (-l is a synonym for --level). All other flags must use an equals sign to set a value.

There's a useful shorthand that can save some typing when setting multiple options for a single task: If you invoke a task explicitly on the command line then you can follow that task with unqualified options in its scope. E.g., ./pants compile.zinc --no-incremental --name-hashing instead of ./pants compile --no-compile-zinc-incremental --compile-zinc-name-hashing.

Note that this shorthand requires you to mention a specific task, not just a goal: ./pants compile.zinc instead of just ./pants compile as you would usually enter. All tasks in the compile goal will still be executed, not just compile.zinc, but the .zinc addition is a convenience to support shorthand options.

Of course this works when specifying multiple goals, e.g.,

./pants compile.zinc --no-incremental --name-hashing test.junit --parallel-threads=4

Environment Variables

Option option in scope can be set via the environment variable PANTS_FOO_BAR_OPTION. E.g., PANTS_COMPILE_ZINC_INCREMENTAL=false.

Global options can be set using PANTS_GLOBAL_OPTION as expected, but you can also omit the GLOBAL and use PANTS_OPTION. E.g., PANTS_LEVEL=debug.

If a global option name itself starts with the word 'pants' then you can omit the repetition. E.g., PANTS_WORKDIR instead of PANTS_PANTS_WORKDIR.

Environment variables are overridden by command line flags, but take precedence over settings in config files.

Config File

The main Pants config file location is pants.ini in your source tree's top-level directory. If you installed pants as recommended this file should already exist.

The pants.ini file is an INI file parsed by ConfigParser. See RFC #822 section 3.1.1 for the full rules python uses to parse ini file entries.

A pants.ini file looks something like:

option1: value1
option2: value2

Sections in the .ini file correspond to the task name or subsystem name, or a combination of both.

The [DEFAULT] section is special: its values are available in all other sections. E.g.,

thrift_workdir: %(pants_workdir)s/thrift

print_exception_stacktrace: True

workdir: %(thrift_workdir)s

args: [
    '-C-Tnowarnprefixes', '-C%(thrift_workdir)s',

Note that continuation lines of multiple-line values must be indented. For example, the closing bracket in the multi-line list above.

Settings in config files are overridden by options specified in the environment or by command line flags.

There are a few differences in using options in the config file compared to invoking them from the command line:

  • Omit the leading double dash (--)
  • Dash characters (-) are transposed to underscores (_).
  • Boolean flag values are enabled and disabled by setting the value of the option to True or False
  • The prefix for long form options is not specified. Instead, you must organize the options into their appropriate sections.

Overlaying Config Files

Sometimes it's convenient to keep .ini settings in more than one file. Perhaps you usually operate Pants in one "mode", but occasionally need to use a tweaked set of settings.

Use the --pants-config-files command-line option to specify a second .ini file. Each of this .ini file's values override the corresponding value in pants.ini, if any. For example, if your pants.ini contains the section

coverage_html_open: True
debug: False

...and you invoke --pants-config-files=quick.ini and your quick.ini says

coverage_html_open: False
skip: True

...then Pants will act as if you specified

coverage_html_open: False
skip: True
debug: False

Note that --pants-config-files is a list-valued option, so all the idioms of lists work. You can add a third file with another invocation of --pants-config-files=<path>, or you can replace the standard one entirely with --pants-config-files=[<list>].

Troubleshooting Config Files

Use the Right Section Name

Section names must correspond to actual option scopes. Use the correct section name as specified in the help output:

# Wrong
[compile]  # The correct scope for the 'warnings' option is compile.zinc
zinc_warnings: False

# Right
warnings: False

When in doubt, the scope is described in the heading for each option in the help output:

$ ./pants compile.zinc --help

compile.zinc options:
Compile Scala and Java code using Zinc.

--[no-]compile-zinc-debug-symbols (default: False)
    Compile with debug symbol enabled.

Check the Formatting

Settings that span multiple lines should be indented. To minimize problems, follow these conventions:

  • Followon lines should be indented four spaces.
  • The ending bracket for lists and dicts should be indented two spaces.

Here are some examples of correctly and incorrectly formatted values:

# Right
jvm_options: [ "foo", "bar" ]

# Right
jvm_options: [
    "foo", "bar"

# Wrong
jvm_options: [ "foo",
"bar" ]  # Followon line must be indented

# Wrong
jvm_options: [
    "foo", "bar"
] # closing bracket must be indented
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